Why work with a Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) trained therapist?
Kim Willard has completed advanced training in working with Gestalt Language Processors using the research-based Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) framework. NLA is the framework used for gestalt language processors. Gestalt language processing is used by at least 85% of autistic communicators. Therapists who are NLA certified are paramount in supporting child-centered communication for children and adults with echolalia (scripting) to promote natural language development.
The benefits of working with a speech therapist who is trained in gestalt language processing and the Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) framework include:
learning that all communication is meaningful
receiving guidance for understanding the meaning behind your child’s scripted communication
learning specific strategies to help your child use their scripted phrases to build novel phrases and sentences
engaging in therapy that is neurodiversity-affirming and celebrates your child’s unique gifts
If you are ready to learn more about gestalt language processing, the Natural Language Acquisition framework, and how working with Empower YOU Speech & Language Therapy can benefit your child and family, contact us for a free consutlation.